About Me
My name is Jayvon Johnson, I am a 27 year old believer,husband, son, brother, and friend. I am merely a guy like many of you who desire is to live a great life and achieve amazing things!
Male Factor Infertility has taken me and my wife on an unexpected journey. It has caused us to take an inward perspective of life and our purpose. We have cried, yelled, and felt like giving up; yet our FAITH has also been increased because of this. We are not afraid, nor do we doubt the MIRACLE that will come from our life being turned upside down. We are victorious over infertility! I want to connect with you and aid you through this road of becoming a father.
Whether you are supporting your spouse or you have MFI (Male Factor Infertility) this is the place to connect and grow! There are no restraints here and no questions or feeling will be pushed to the side. You need this outlet brother, place pride to the side and utilize the community.
Follow me as I try to articulate the emotions and overall new found identity within infertility. If you are a man dealing with physical or figurative infertility, allow this to be a safe space for you as we discover together the next steps to fathering!
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